Calendar+ 2.0 available

✚ New

✓ Support for new iPad
✓ Calendar editor – set colors from a large palette and create, edit or delete calendars
✓ FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) built-in – pulled from
✓ Setting: display of the event dot, start time or event title for events can be turned on/off
✓ Setting: event text colors can be overridden to use high-contrast or black
✓ Setting: event text resizing when space is not available can be turned on/off
✓ Setting: event text shortening choices – truncate at the beginning, middle or end of the text (default) or clip the end
✓ Beautiful new app icon
✓ Beautiful new startup screen
✓ Sync at startup

✚ Changed

✓ Tweaked colors – shading and separators in week and month views are more prominent and weekend shading is darker (if turned on in settings)

✚ Fixed

✓ Corrected German holiday title
✓ Default alerts set for new events work in iOS 5.1

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